GitHub Flow

A Git workflow is a set of rules or recommendations that dictate how you work with Git. This comes in handy when working with Git branches. The team workflow and pro workflow can be seen as examples of Git workflows, but they are not official. Those two were introduced to explain how to use what you learned in the team and pro lessons. The common real world workflows include:

We will be using GitHub Flow in this lesson. This is because Git Flow has extra steps that you might not need as a University student right now. It can make working with branches harder, especially if you are newer to Git.

The Basics

GitHub Flow is a lightweight and branch-based workflow. Each of your group members will have their own branch that they will work on. Each branch will correspond to a feature or bug fix that they are assigned to work on. These branches will be merged into the main branch once the feature is complete. Here is what the flow looks like: